Veggie Soup Mix


Hand Blended Ingredients: sea salt, garlic, celery, turmeric, parsley, black pepper, savory, thyme, sage, marjoram

Earthy and herbal, this seasoning blend makes the perfect base for vegetable soups, as well as beef and chicken based soups. It is also a great, preservative free, alternative for seasoning dips, especially spinach dip.

Use to add fresh flavor to casseroles, shepherd's pie, rice, ramen, meatloaf, chili, spaghetti sauce, roasted vegetables, and tuna or chicken salad.

When using as a base for soups, start with 1 tablespoon mix per 2 cups of water, adjusting the amount as needed.

Also available in our Party Dip Gift Set!


  1. Blend 1 tablespoon of mix with 1 cup of sour cream.
  2. Cover and refrigerator for at least two hours.
  3. Serve with your favorite sliced vegetables and potato chips.
Spices Inc